Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Illyria - The Carpathian Summit (2019)

Artist: Illyria
Album: The Carpathian Summit
Genre: Post-Black Metal/Screamo
Country: Australia
Label: U N S I G N E D 
Preview Track:

Post-black metal is a genre that has been absolutely on fire in 2019. Bands like Remete, Together to the Stars, Numenorean and numerous others have released instant classics in a genre that is normally hit or miss. But one band has stood out among the pack so far this year and that band is Australia’s Illyria.

Prior to about a month ago I’ve never heard of this particular band but they hit me like a ton of bricks. The dreamy atmosphere of The Carpathian Summit is absolutely magical to say the least. Illyria mixes in traces of post-hardcore and 90’s style screamo with their punishing brand of black metal and it works to perfection. Cries of pain mixed with clean vocals over the reverb of the trems makes for such an engaging atmosphere that makes this album is almost impossible to put down.

When you think of black metal you think of Satan and destruction but Illyria makes the genre sound almost happy at times and they execute at such a high level. The Carpathain Summit is about an hour in length but is never grating on the listener or boring at any point. If you like a hazy, almost dream pop like atmosphere then Illyria is just what you need.

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