Monday, May 6, 2019

Rusted Shut - Rehab (2005)

Artist: Rusted Shut
Album: Rehab
Genre: Noise Rock
Country: United States
Label: Emperor Jones Records

The Texan psychopaths in Rusted Shut very obviously have taken a few notes out of the page of bands like Brainbombs and Flipper, but Rehab is much more than a simple homage to the noise rock of yore. Rehab is one of the most frightening, punishing, grimy, rotten, and bastardized cuts of "rock" to ever be served. The sludgy, corrupted bass-tone basks in the proverbial black smoke of distortion, whereas the guitars make a noise akin to rocks and shards of glass banging against rusty sheets of metal. Everything hits like a ton of bricks, making for an emotionally exhausting listen, but one that has its fair share of Dystopia-or-Harvey Milk-like catharsis. Screams of death, chugging riffs, a incredibly depressing atmosphere - this is one of those records that perfectly emulates pain in a way that few are able to. Bridging the worlds of heart-smashing harsh noise and utterly repulsive sludge rock, Rehab is an unstoppable force of suffering and sin. Listen at your own discretion.


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